Irregular antibodies in blood and extracorporeal circulation.
Irregular antibodies, extracorporeal circulation, subaortic mambraneAbstract
A case of a pediatric patient scheduled for surgical correction of a subaortic membrane with left ventricular outflow tract obstruction is presented. Who was screened for irregular antibodies and was positive for the Duffy system (Fya negative Fyb-). A rare phenotype in the population. The patient was prepared for surgery according to the institutional protocols, the blood bank reported the difficulty in obtaining blood due to the continuous agglutination presented in the compatibility tests, despite the fact that hemoclassification corresponds to the O + group. After several days of searching, it was possible to find a donor who was compatible in the cross-tests except for the P1Pk System, however, due to its low clinical significance, the reservation of a Red Blood Cell Unit was made. The management and conduction of extracorporeal circulation during surgery is described.
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