Clinical influence of two arterial blood flows and use of vasoactive drug in cardiopulmonary bypass.


  • Matheus Mittmann Hennemann Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Élio Barreto de Carvalho Filho
  • Márcio Roberto do Carmo
  • Carlos Fernando Ramos Lavagnoli
  • Elaine Soraya Barbosa de Oliveira
  • Lindemberg da Mota Silveira Filho
  • Pedro Paulo Martins de Oliveira
  • Orlando Petrucci Junior
  • Karlos Alexandre de Sousa Vilarinho


cardiopulmonary bypass; oxygen delivery; lactic acid; vasodilator agents



Introduction and objectives

The ideal perfusion flow value to be offered to the patient in cardiopulmonary bypass is a current topic of discussion among perfusionists. Beyond that, the use of vasoconstrictor or vasodilators drugs during cardiopulmonary bypass is also a debatable topic. Considering this, the aim of this study was to compare two different strategies of conduction of cardiopulmonary bypass regarding clinical impact, laboratory parameters and perfusion quality.



The sample consisted of 70 adult patients submitted to cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass performed by the same cardiovascular surgical team, at Hospital de Clínicas da Unicamp (Campinas, São Paulo). Patients were divided into two groups: group 1 included cardiopulmonary bypass that used pump flow of 2,4 L/min/m2 and without vasodilator use; and group 2 included those with pump flow of 2.7 L/min/m2 and with vasodilator use.



The groups presented statistical difference in mean flow and regarding the use of sodium nitroprusside and isoflurane. No statistical difference was observed in maximum serum lactate during cardiopulmonary bypass and in minimal oxygen delivery. Group 2 had lower minimum vascular resistance and greater diuresis during extracorporeal circulation and immediate postoperative period.



This study elucidates that both strategies of conduction of cardiopulmonary bypass are safe, and that the use of higher pump flow associated with the use of vasodilator drugs does not result in altered perfusion quality.



How to Cite

Hennemann, M. M., Carvalho Filho, Élio B. de, Carmo, M. R. do, Lavagnoli, C. F. R., Oliveira, E. S. B. de, Silveira Filho, L. da M., Oliveira, P. P. M. de, Petrucci Junior, O., & Vilarinho, K. A. de S. (2019). Clinical influence of two arterial blood flows and use of vasoactive drug in cardiopulmonary bypass. Revista En Bomba, 3(1), 13–18. Retrieved from



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