Current status of heparinization and monitoring of antiacoagulation during extracorporeal circulation in adults patients.
Trends in Latin America.
Extracorporeal circulation, Anticoagulation, Activated coagulation time, Heparin, Profesional practiceAbstract
Introduction: The development of cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation (ECC) would not have been possible without the discovery of heparin. This is the anticoagulant of choice for the initiation and maintenance of ECC due to its efficacy and easy reversal. However, a number of factors cause the anticoagulant effect to be different between patients.
Objectives: To determine trends and discrepancies in the management and monitoring of heparinization used by Latin American perfusionists in adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery with ECC.
Methods: A prospective descriptive study was carried out by applying a 13-question survey. Data were expressed in percentages and confidence intervals. trend considering the answers that exceeded 51% and the rest were valued as discrepancies.
Results: Of the 269 respondents, it was found that: 54.1% administered 300 IU/kg of systemic heparin. 66.2% add 5000 IU of heparin to the prime. 68.1% use the same dose of heparin in obese patients. 57.1% add 5000 to 10000 IU of heparin when the ACT does not reach a safe threshold. 99.6% administered bolus heparin. If heparin resistance is suspected, 82.7% administer PFC. 53.2% reversed heparin in a 1:1 ratio with protamine.
Conclusion: In Latin America, there are varied heparinization and anticoagulation monitoring strategies, showing a more homogeneous trend in terms of heparinization strategies compared to anticoagulation monitoring during ECC.
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